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January 23rd, 2008

wrestling SHUTE.

.2007 was the year of the vision quest.

(vision quest/shute reference see here. a joke really, yet taken as seriously as i do everything else).

.35 tournaments in 232 days. that’s a competition every 6.5 days for 7 months. 3200 targets attempted, 2364 broken for 74%. the goal was top 10 at nationals or the krieghoff cup. that was the quest. i wrote about it in the fall, so no real details again, but i fell short, shute kicked my ass and i didn’t get the girl.

11th of 166 entries – krieghoff cup, 1 target out after 100
31st of 183 entries – main, 9 targets out after 300

2007 Official NSCA Results
(click images to enlarge)
21 of 23 clubs to date