Portfolio & Information & More

November 3rd, 2010

115 of 130

October 30, 2010

In June, 126 days ago, I shot my last competition before today. Shortly before that, something happen that changed how my brain saw targets. I had just had the best competitions I ever had, I went from A class, to AA, here in Texas. (Just understand, that is not easy and that many people who want to, cannot). In that last competition in June, I was 51st of 86 competitors. In 6 of my competitions prior to this, here in Texas, before what changed how I saw targets in June, I was 2nd, 3rd, 1st, 2nd, 2nd and 4th.

I have shot less than 200 targets since June, when I used to shoot 250 in a day.

A man I had never met to my east, who I consider a friend, was going to nationals. I’ve been to nationals 4 years in a row. Now I live here and I had no intentions of attending until he told me he was. I signed up for one competition, I wanted to meet him. We met and he watched me practice. I missed, a lot. I told him I just needed to wake up and that maybe my focus would come. Then shortly before our separate competitions were to start, we parted ways to clear our brains. When I got to my car to go from practice to real, he had left this on top of my car, it was a surprise. That’s the kind of man he is.

Today, I shot a 53 of 100 targets. I was 115th of 130 at Nationals. (Unofficially)

A year ago, at Nationals, same event, I shot an 87 of 100 targets, I was 4th of 92. (Officially)

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This is what the more expensive half of a $12,000+ shotgun looks like sitting in the sun on a dashboard of an empty car next to mine in Texas. I noticed this as I packed mine away, put the all the different locks all over it then drove home and put it in a deep closet. I have no competitions scheduled.

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