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April 11th, 2010

A Tale Of Two Marshalls

This day, I shot alone. No call of “Pull.” It was all up to me. There will be a series of three beeps, 3, 2, 1, target. Sometimes a single target, sometimes a double. There will be 25 shots. I don’t hear that siren. I don’t hear the others speaking. I feel the wind, I like it. Marshall asked me after stand 3, “I’ll pull for ya?”

“I appreciate that though.” Then I missed two targets, station 4. My only two. I knew before he asked, this round, this round I needed to be left alone. I pretended it didn’t happen and got back to my task, alone.

Today, I hear each shot. You can too.

Marshall was kind and asked to assist me. The other Marshall I know here I also just met, he sold me my car, I found him kind as well.

American – 23/25, 22/25 | April 10, 2010 | April 21, 1929 | Olmos Basin