california – 1995
emeryville. i only lived there 3 months, but a couple times i got lost in my head so much i had to go make things, i slapped my dads yashica mat 126 on the metz potato masher i had and went for walks around all the industrial buildings looking at things and trying to not get mugged all at the same time, i remember not having a sync cord, so i shot at 1 second and manually fired the flash. later that year, i did the same where i lived next around the castro or even later in the richmond, all 1995, all yashica mat, all on free donated E-6 film over 10 years expired and run C-41 two years after i shot it all in 1997. nothing mattered, just shoot it. 10 years later, i finally have looked at most of them, but i still have only made a few scans, someday, i hope to make more.