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November 9th, 2007

the other thursday night

3 pictures in one hour. i went to a concert tonight, i never do this, i can count on one hand how many i have been to, even after tonight. a last minute invite and no real reason to say no. i was early, walk around, stop, play with phone, look up, see tree, take picture of tree. get there, go in, get handed a beer, i never drink, well, i almost never, still never been drunk. beer in a cup at a concert, i didn’t want to hold it, so i shot glassed it, set plastic cup on bar. watch first 2 songs, go to bathroom, see door and orange wall, take picture of orange wall and door. i had never met the girl before, she’s a friend of a friend, so i see if i can make her smile and make small talk over band, she showed me her belt buckle, i laughed, watched band play a song, then reached over, lifted her shirt, snapped the buckle. she didn’t flinch, neither did the door or the wall or the tree, it was a nice night.