sleeping with clinton.
On Martin Luther King Day this year, 2008, Bill Clinton fell asleep in a church in Harlem. Alone, this is very entertaining as it’s funny, at first. Till you start to realize the hypocrisy of course and the fact that no matter how insulting it is and that it was widely published, no one really seem to care.
I like this story as the church it happened in is on Rev. Dr. John W. Saunders Place and that there is a plaque in Saunders’ honor inside. I also like this as my girlfriend at the time lived just feet away, so when the images hit of Bill asleep, the back of that wall propping up his tired ass is literally only feet from the back of her wall where my tired ass gets propped up regularly.
That’s the closest I will ever come to sleeping with a President of the United States, probably.